Monday, 17 December 2012


 After this term of work on Political theatre, I think that not all theatre is political. I personally think that all theatre should have a message to it, whether it be a message about magic or about WW2. There are many different tyoes of theatre and I don't think that childrens theatre always has to have a political message, but something that will interest that audience and that audeince can take something away from it. I think that all theatre should give something to the audeince and that the audience should walk out of the theatre, what ever theatre and what ever audeince, with something to do with the performance in their kind and for the story to send the audeince a message or a feeling or a veiw. However I don't think that all of these messages have to be political, they can be about something really small or really big however not every peice of theatre has a message or a political meaning that will make the audeince leave with a deep thought and challenged to want to go make a change to the world. However they will be left with a certain feeling in themselves either about the peice as a whole or about the meaning of the peice.